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My contributions to Ratheronfire's Stinkoman 20X6 remake

So Ratheronfire and I are pretty close friends IRL, and back when he started work on his Stinkoman 20X6 remake he would share updates to it with me and the rest of our friend group even before he made it public.

I mostly acted as a bug tester for the game, trying out new nightly builds and reporting any issues I could find, and would also offer suggestions for tweaks or new content. However I'm also not-entirely-terrible at spritework, so I did also contribute some sprites and illustrations to the project as well. Now that I've got my own dumb website like him I figured I could show off some of what I made.

This was my first and probably biggest contribution to the project; we had both noticed that in some pre-release footage the Brothers Chaps put out for the Stinkoman Level 10 update it featured an updated tileset for level 9 that didn't end up getting used in the final game, so I took some screenshots from the gameplay footage and did my best to make usable tiles out of them. Ratheronfire did end up changing these tiles pretty heavily to fit the tile format he was using for the game, but I'm still happy with what I was able to make.

I also made this sprite for 2 Up, Homeschool Winner's hypothetical 20X6 counterpart who turns up when you play as 1 Up in Level 3's time attack mode. I only made the base sprite you see here, Ratheronfire did the rest of the work of editing it onto the rest of 1 Up's sprites.

And here's my last big sprite contribution: the Homestarship, 1 Up's ship from Level 9's time attack mode. I based it on 1 Up's ship from the Scrolling Shooter Games Menu on, but since the resolution is totally different I had to draw it from scratch using the original game's sprites as a guide (thanks Mr. C).

So that's that. I'm by no means a professional artist but I'm still happy with how these handful of sprites and tiles came out, and I'm glad Ratheronfire was happy enough with them to use them in his project. His remake of Stinkoman 20X6 came out great and I'm genuinely proud of him for getting it done, so if you like Homestar Runner and enjoyed the original game definitely go check it out if you haven't already.